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说教学策略,秀英语素养 ——记初中英语教研组开展教学策略&学科素养展示交流系列活动之一

[发表时间]:2018-09-20 [来源]:




Writing is one of the most important and useful skills in students’ English learning. However, in a traditional writing class, the writing process usually follows a teacher-student one-way pattern, which is not very helpful for students to develop abilities in editing and proofreading, Therefore, it is essential for English teachers to establish a cooperative learning setting and to develop some effective scaffolding strategies as well as tools to help students learn to reflect on their own writing process to identify their strengths and weaknesses as writers. In Ms. Liu’s writing class, these come in the form of checklists for self-editing and peer-editing.



  Wufang first introduced several points about teaching reading in Grade 9, such as classifying different types of reading articles, summarizing the multiple meanings of words, and summing up the high-frequency words, which help students improve their reading ability from many perspectives. She also took "Good English" as an example, shows how to systematically develop students 'reading ability and good reading habits from the beginning grade.



  Mind Mapping is an efficient tool for both the students and the teachers in English reading. It can stimulate students’ motivation and imagination for reading. While how to draw the mind map in a correct way, we should pay attention to guiding students to understand it in classroom teaching. Mind Mapping in English reading is effective teaching means and learning way. It will arouse students’ learning interests, improve the interaction between the teacher and students, develop students’ creative thinking and increase the efficiency of English reading.


初三备课组长陶懿为大家梳理了适合英语教学的教学策略,其中英语交际教学法是英语课堂最为普遍的英语教学方法。但是,这种方法的目标是什么?焦点是什么?在这种教学策略下可以开展的教学活动有哪些?陶老师为我们带来了一些答案。此外,她还利用自己真实的教学案例向我们展示如何最大限度激励学生在课堂上表达自己, 使他们所学联系其自身实际, 以确保他们的学习内容对他们有意义并且可理解。

  Communicative approach is one of the most popular teaching strategies used in English class. But what is the goal and focus of the approach and what are the possible learning activities under this approach? Our English teacher Tao Yi gives us some answers. Besides, she used her own class design example to show us how to maximally motivate the students to express themselves in class and relate what they are learning to students themselves to make sure they are learning something meaningful and understandable to them.


同样介绍教学策略的还有王越老师,她介绍了什么是同伴教学法。她提出了要对阅读文本或听力文本进行深层次的分析,通过设问的方式启发学生思考,激发学生的求知欲, 促使学习真正发生。 同伴教学是用于检验学习者及其同伴对于内容的掌握与分析的一种教学策略,简单却能够有效的促进学生的参与。同伴教学不只是先进行讲授,再进行讨论这么简单。教师需要阶段性的向学习者抛出一些精心设计的概念性问题。这些问题通常与常见的困惑与误解有关,学生利用几分钟的时间来形成和组织自己对这些问题的答案,然后通过小组的讨论合作来达成共识。小组的讨论通常能够让学习者对概念进行解释,并帮助那些在一开始没有得到正确答案的小组同伴理清问题,形成正确的理解。

  The English teacher Wang Yue from Grade 7 explains what a peer instruction classroom is like. Students work on some exciting projects. That’s something they want to do. They love doing. So that’s when the real learning happens. That’s how they internalize the knowledge and think in English. This way, the students learn English not because the teachers tell them to do so. They learn because English is fun, interesting and meaningful. They are learning because they are curious, because they want to learn.



  As English teachers we all have been trying several approaches to strengthen and broaden student’s vocabulary. From this year, Cora started to work more on helping her students improve their vocabulary. The first thing she does each week is to introduce new vocabulary by offering them a new vocabulary list and asking the students to read them aloud together. This gives the students practice speaking the words aloud and pronouncing them correctly. Knowing how to say new vocabulary words is just as important as knowing how to use them in a sentence. Using mind-maps is also a very good way to help students to re-organize and summarize their knowledge. Lastly and most importantly, Cora has recorded their daily and weekly test results in a timely manner in order to let the students see their scores quickly and reinforce that it’s their job to memorize words on time.




(供稿:初中英语教研组   编辑:何颖)