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初中高端英语项目开展“英文原版小说教学策略探究” 主题教研活动

[发表时间]:2019-12-06 [来源]:



来自苏格兰的外籍教师Amar Sumal 为本次workshop的主讲人,研讨题目为“How to teach a novel class”。Amar讲到,初一年级目前在阅读的原版小说,符合初中生的年龄特点,集娱乐和学习为一体,可以促进学生自主阅读,提高阅读速度,扩大词汇量,能够帮助学生提升英语阅读能力。研讨从目前学生在小说阅读中存在的问题入手,如逐字阅读,缺乏语境意识,无法连贯而专注的阅读和思考,课后阅读存在偷懒现象等问题,提出四大需要各个击破的小说教学问题,如:课前教师要做哪些准备?如何有效指导学生展开关于小说的讨论?引导学生沉入语境的最佳方式是什么?如何确保学生能够保质保量完成阅读作业?中外教分小组就以上问题展开集体研讨。


研讨过程中,Amar重点强调了小说阅读教学中经常被忽视的“close reading”(细读文本或文本分析)理论的重要性,并以小说Nania第十一章为例,引导教师如何在细读教学中提升学生的思维品质,让学生不仅关注文本说了什么,更要关注作者的叙事方式,以及文字后面的深层含义。即阅读教学要有“境”,缘“境”生“情”,以“情”激“思”。引导教师精心设计文本问题,避免学生机械作答。以问题为抓手,引导学生沉入语境,开启学生心灵,拓展其思维品质。Amar讲到基于文本设计的问题应涉及理解类(understanding),分析类(Analysis)和评价类(Evaluation)。




@ Ricky Today’s workshop was very well done. Between the activities requiring us to think critically and determine the proper preparation required to teach novels, and the activities we had practicing what the students will have to do in a classroom, I feel well prepared to properly introduce the concept to the children. My favorite part was analyzing the text and figuring out if a question was an “A”, “U” or “E” question. Thanks Amar!

@ Lily  Thank you Amar for giving us the wonderful workshop. Novel reading is a good way for students to improve reading abilities. As for teachers , we are supposed to try our best to make it easier for them to become interested in reading novels. I have learned more from your presentation. Firstly, get well prepared before starting the book and before each class. Secondly, I’ve learned a lot from the close reading. Our teachers worked in a group to experience what students do in the class while reading. This really helped us to understand the essentials of close reading. Hopefully, I will do my best in designing the effective reading classes to get  my students involved and we can bring about a change in students' reading.

@Grace  Novel plays an essential part in English learning. Both foreign and Chinese teachers teach novels in English class. So it is important for teachers to know how to teach well and effectively in class. Armar provided useful ways about novel reading class. I really appreciate it and learn a lot from this workshop prepared carefully by him. Before teaching, teachers need to read the entire book first and make sure to have a clear understanding the entire book. And also if teachers wish to maximize instructional time, creating a thorough plan for the unit is critical. Besides, he provided us how to do close reading well. Questions can be divided into three kinds: understanding, analyzing and evaluating. I really appreciate and learn a lot from the workshop.

供稿:初中高端英语项目 谷丽华 编辑:王天慈)