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[发表时间]:2019-12-20 [来源]:

为了提高学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养学生自主学习的习惯,12月20日下午,初一年级师生齐聚一堂,“圣诞歌会”于二阶正式唱响。我校党总支书记张继军、英国外教Mr. Sean、Mr. Amar和 Mr. Harris以及初中英语国际项目主任张丽君出席此次活动。

阶梯教室内座无虚席,热闹非凡。一首轻快抒情的“Good Time”正式拉开了活动的序幕,学生们声情并茂、群情激昂。家是一个永远温馨的港湾,也是我们内心最安全的栖息地,3班为我们带来的“When Christmas comes to town”解读了人们在这最美好的时光,回到家中的温馨、安详。5班的王肇堃,自弹自唱,献上一首《Outside》,深情演绎对自由的向往,只要努力前行,终有一个地方能将灵魂安放。如果你发现自己被困在海的中央,我会游过世界去找你,如果你发现自己迷失在黑暗中,看不见任何东西,我会变成光指引你,6班献上的“Count on you”道出了友谊的可贵,当朋友召唤你时,就会发现自己存在的意义,当你哭泣时,当你很受伤,你可以一直拥有我的肩膀,我永远不会走,你可以依赖我,就像我同样依赖你一样。还有其他一些表演,精彩纷呈,几度引爆全场,大家时而齐声伴唱,时而安静欣赏……掌声、欢呼声此起彼伏,不绝于耳,完全沉浸在歌声的海洋!


三位阳光帅气、青春洋溢的外教带动全场唱起了《See you again》,将整个活动推向了另一个高潮,也让在座的师生享受了一场听觉盛宴!



@Class 2, Grade 7 Jenny

During this Christmas party, every class showed their wonderful English Songs to celebrate this holiday.All the people shared candies with each other. We are immersed in the happiness. I give a talent show on the stadge with my friends. This is an unforgettable memory. What is more, I benefut a lot from the songs shared by all the classes. I'll keep my spirit up forever and cherish my friendship. We are pround of ourselves and our school.

@Class 6, Grade 7 Andy

Today, we hold the Christmas Song Festival. I felt the enthusiasm and excitement filled in the whole school. All of us are very solidary.We tried our best to give a satisfying performance. I know this is the result of hard-working behind the stage. This activity motivates me to fight for a splendid life.

@Class 6, Grade 7 Henry

 I think this Christmas party is a wonderful gala. I hosted the party and sang with my friends and shared the happiest time with my teachers and classmates.I got lots of beautiful memories from this party. It gave the energy to work harder in the future.

@Class 6, Grade 7 Leia

This afternoon, our school had a fabulous Chrismas Festival. All the students joined the exciting moment and showed different kinds of talents.This activity was involved with 6 classes which sang great songs for us. It is really a big feast to our ears.

On the stage, our classmates did our best and made all the crowd cheer for us, which gave us such a pleasant feeling.

Today is the HAPPIEST day and most RELAXING day for us. It is also a day for us to show ourselves. I hope that next time we can still work harder and create more surprise.Let's look forward to the next carnival. 

 (供稿:初一英语组 编辑:王天慈)