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[发表时间]:2019-11-18 [来源]:


Recently, the high-end English education project team of the primary school has held a teaching and research meeting. The theme of the meeting was class management. The meeting was presided over by Song Hualei, the director of the project. All the foreign teachers and Chinese co-teachers in the team attended the meeting.


In the meeting, Paulette, who is a foreign teacher in the high-end English education project team in Grade One shared her valuable experience on class management concerning students aged at 5-10 based on her 20 years’teaching experience.

在本次分享中,她向大家推荐了课堂管理工具—“Class Dojo”。此工具可为老师提供一套非常智能的奖惩机制,还可提供辅助课堂游戏、活动所必备的工具和音乐、视频等资源,帮助老师提升学生的课堂参与度,激发学生的学习积极性,从而更加高效地实现课堂教学目标。

She especially recommended “Class Dojo”, a website designed for the teachers to manage the class. It can provide teachers with a viable mechanism for giving rewards and punishments. There are also games, activities, music, videos and other resources available on it to engage students and arouse their enthusiasm for learning.

本次交流中,Paulette女士还现场为大家展示了如何使用Class Dojo,并细致介绍了其奖惩机能和其他各项功能。为了更形象地展示该工具的使用过程及其效果,Paulette女士将现场所有外教和中方合作教师当作学生,开展了模拟课堂,并鼓励大家参与其中真实体验。此外,Paulette女士还为大家播放了她本人在日常授课中使用ClassDojo的视频片段。

In the meeting, Paulette introduced the functions of “Class Dojo” and showed all the teachers how to use it. In order to demonstrate the process and its effects vividly, Paulette took all the teachers as students and gave a short lesson about how to use “Class Dojo”. She also showed a video clip of her using Class Dojo in one of her actual classes.

在该视频中,Paulette女士与学生们进行了有效互动。与此同时,利用“Class Dojo”的奖惩机制,她能轻松地管理课堂秩序,调动学生们的学习积极性,使整个课堂在活泼有序的氛围中进行。


In the video, the interaction between the students and Paulette was effective.Thanks to Class Dojo, the class order was easily maintained, a light and happy atmosphere was easily achieved and the students were very enthusiastic.

After showing the video, Paulette invited all the foreign teachers and Chinese co-teachers to ask questions and share their ideas.


At the end of the meeting, all the foreign teachers and Chinese co-teachers actively expressed their thoughts about the training. They mentioned that Paulette’s sharing was helpful, especially when it came to the difficulties that they were faced with at the moment, and her class method of class management was novel and effective for them to improve their teaching. In the summary, the project director Song Hualei expressed her gratitude to Paulette. She proposed further meaningful sharing and exchanging activities in the future and encouraged more teachers to participate in them.

供稿:小学高端英语项目组 编辑:王天慈